3 Kinds of Fusing Belts
Our company has been doing business in field of fusing belts and special PTFE glass or Kevlar ® materials for more than 20 years and our well trained and experienced stuff for more than 30 years. By appropriate selecting of producing processes we have achieved reasonable trade-off between high quality of fusing belts / special materials and offered prices. We have been supplying products, which have been producing only according ISO certified processes, which assure to receive high quality products fusing belts by affordable prices.
We have been offering various kind of belts and special PTFE (Teflon®) coated materials heat resistant fabrics of glass fiber, Kevlar®, Nomex® and polyester. These technically advanced materials are enhanced with PTFE (Teflon®) or Silicone rubber coatings, both famous for their outstanding resistance to extremes of temperature, severe chemical and biological environments, physical stress and for their outstanding non-stick properties. For these reasons it has been very intensive using in various applications of food industry, chemical industry, packaging industry, printing, rubber production – process belts for curing of rubber extrusion / process belts for curing and impression of PVC backed carpets and underlay, furniture industry … and many others.
Anyway, our company is mainly targeted and focused to the special products, such as seamless fusing belts for fusing machines (like Kannegiesser, Meyer, Macpi, Oshima and many others), which the fusing belts are.
Fusing belts
We have been offering 3 kind of fusing belts. There are as follows:
1. Fusing belts without any joint – called as “seamless” fusing belts:
Teflon® seamless fusing belts made of high strength fiberglass or Kevlar® knitted by special equipment and coated with Teflon® resin in high temperature. Seamless belts conquer the problems of traditional fusing belts with joint such as bad stability, ruptures and deflecting for different girth on two sides at the joint and mainly it is without any joint that assures any marking of the joint on the fused or laminated garment or textiles. The seamless fusing belts have a smooth surface, excellent antistatic effect (black version), long life and advantages that other seam fusing belts do not have. We have been offering fusing belts provided by excellent release PTFE Teflon® coated seamless fabrics, dimensional stability and high anti-tensile strength operating temperature range (from -60°C up to +260°C).
It is impervious to virtually all chemical attack. Seamless fusing belts should be as standard equipment of fusing or laminating machines. If not do not hesitate and do not wait to replace seam belts by seamless fusing belts. If you try you will never want seam belts back anymore! There is possibility to supply seamless fusing belts black (antistatic) or brown up to width 1 800 mm and up the length 7 000 mm.
2. Double layer fusing belts – called “laminated” fusing belts:
This type of belts is made with a thinner material that winds twice around the entire circumference of the belt. The two layers of the belt are then laminated together over the entire surface of the belt. This process makes the belt extremely smooth and virtually seamless, greatly reducing belt tracking problems. We have been offering fusing belts provided by excellent release PTFE Teflon® coated fabrics , dimensional stability and high anti-tensile strength operating temperature range (from -60°C up to +260°C), which is obviously for these kind of materials.
We have been supplying very special laminated belts with mirror surface and non-marking joint. The unique non-marking joint has a very small bulge and thus does not mark the product produced on the belt. These belts are very effective in automotive sector for very sensitive leather lamination.
3. Seam fusing belts:
The most common of the fusing belts due to its low cost production. The fusing belts with seam can often be the most problematic area of machinery belts. To eliminate them as much as possible with we have been offering various wide of seam designs.
- „Scarfed“ seam: The smoothest, strongest, most flexible seam available today. It resembles a 30 mm overlap seam but is much smoother and more flexible. Ther is no almost double thickness, as the mating surfaces are carefully ground to a taper and securely welded
- Overlap seam: This is the most popular seam because it is strong inexpensive and easiest to produce. The disadvantage of the overlap seam is that it is not very smooth and in some applications the seam may mark the material being fused. In addition, because the overlap seam is more than double the thickness of the rest of the belt it is slightly stiffer and suffers from early flex fatigue and very often breaks
- Angled seam: This seam is cut at a slight angle helping the belt to roll easily over the fusing machine rollers, reducing flex fatigue. The angle of the overlap can be varied, so that the splice does not run over the conveyor pulleys in one line. 45° and 70° are popular.
Customized made-to-measure and other types of splices are available upon request.
If you require some further information about products and delivery term, do not hesitate to check information mentioned on fusingbelts.com web pages or do not hesitate to contact us!
We would like to kindly welcome you to be a part of our satisfied customers. Feel free to contacts us by phone, fax or e-mail mentioned below. We are at your disposal to fulfill your requirements and demands about fusing belts or other related products.
4. Mechanical Joints
Lashing connector

Bulnose connection

PEEK spiral connection

Wire hook connection

Alligator connection